Thursday, September 29, 2011

Proteas at Kirstenbosch Gardens - more photos can be seen at

Phylica pubescens veerkoppie Featherhead.

Giant King Protea - The National Flower of South Africa

Leucospemum cordifolium 'caroline'

leucospernum reflexum var. luteum

Proteas like hot dry summers; wet mild winters and have long tap roots to search deep into the earths surface for water with leathery tough leaves to avoid moisture loss.

Kirstenbosch Gardens Cape Town

Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens is the only botanical garden in the world that is included in a UNESCO World Heritage site. Located on the eastern slopes of Table Mountain in Cape Town, the gardens were established in 1913 and are devoted to indegenous flora.

Cape Daisies - Dimorphotheca Pluvialis

Clivia miniata var. citrina

More Cape Daisies - blue variety

More Cape Daisies - the Octotus variety