Sunday, January 3, 2010

'The Dratted Deer'

As a MG I think the question I get asked the most at social functions is 'What can I plant that the deer wont eat' - frankly - the answer is nothing - If deer are hungry enough they will eat everything. However there are some plants that they don't like and I found a wonderful list for the Carolinas written by Margot Rochester shortly before she died in October 2008.

Shrubs - (the garden's skeleton)
Aucuba, chokeberry, barberry, buddleia. common boxwood. chinese juniper. false cyprus (Chamaecyparis) inkberry, American hollies, mountain laurel, kerria, beautybush, mahonia, and nandina.

Perenials -
Yarrow, alliums, amsonia, anemones, native columbine, artemesias, butterfly weed, baptisia, plumbago chrysanthemums, crocosima, coreopsis, coneflowers, Joe Pye weed, euphorbia and geum.

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