Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An exciting day as we open the topiary forms - now we turn to Bruce in anticipation of The Vagabond frame

Another wow at The Playhouse - our lupins - photo credits this week go to Bonnie Graupp.

You need to look carefully to see lassie and the cat frames . Over the next few weeks we'll work of filling them .

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Turkish Wildflowers

I sent my sister to Turkey and look what she sent me. Us Muirhead girls have much in common but our love of all things natural and native to our environment seems to be paramount throughout our criss-crossed global existence.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another work day at The Playhouse as the gardens begin to strut their glory for all to see.

One of the most beautiful native azaleas rescued by Alan Mizeras, who heads up the native plant rescue team in Henderson County . Do watch the native gardens come into bloom as Alan continues to tend this area of the Flat Rock Playhouse Gardens.

Chris and John spread mulch the hard way - bucket by bucket.

The beauty of contrast.

Madeliene plants a double Clematis 'Franziska Maria' as the focal point of our clematis ground cover.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Two rainy work days and the gardens look wonderful let alone the gardeners at The Playhouse

Thank you to all who volunteer at The Playhouse, you make such a difference to a place so dear to all our hearts.

MicroGiving Fund Raiser

My nephew in Cape Town has been in a serious biking accident which has shattered his C5 vertebra and dislocated his C6 . The good news is that he is going to be okay, but it'll be a long road to travel. Knowing Kevin he'll probably make it a short road and be racing again in 6 months .
The reason for posting this is that my youngest, Kevin's cousin, has started a fundraiser to help support him and his young family, (of which I must show off and add that their daughter is my name sake, just spelt differently - Tamsyn,) and needs a place to send donors to look at some of the pottery I am donating to the cause.. So while I love to garden and call it my passion for Live Mud - I also love to share my passion for Dead Mud - ceramics.
For more info see her website :- www.microgiving.com/profile/jallpress